Friday 13 April 2012

Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

Friends, Romans, members of the Blogosphere, lend me your ears...

I, Alex Hough, an erstwhile student and incumbent ride host at a *cough* unnamed Staffordshire theme park (there are two...), have decided to start a blog.

For those of you who do not know me, I graduated with an MA in History in September 2011 from a good University. While my historical studies interested me greatly, it is writing that has always been my passion; in recent months I have had little opportunity to exercise my scholastic muscles and that is why I find myself here... I happen to believe writing is not like riding a bike and is instead a talent that needs to be constantly refreshed.

I intend to write about the many trials and tribulations of finding a graduate job . In the months since my graduation I have come to the frustrating realisation that no matter how impressive your academic record, experience counts for everything. As a man with little experience of anything (such are the consequences of growing up in a quiet corner of rural Staffordshire), I have reached somewhat of an impasse in my search.

If anyone is prepared to listen, I'd also like to write about a few of my other interests from politics and current affairs to sport. Mix this in with a few observations on my current place of employment (the kind that won't get me fired) and perhaps this could become interesting, informative or even amusing. We shall see, particularly on that last one...

In all seriousness, if you are reading this and feel you are in a similar situation or would also like to comment on the struggles of recent graduates please get in touch. Many hands make light work and all.

That's all for now but I shall begin in earnest soon...

All the best, Alex

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